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Call to Action - Vouchers Still in Play - March 29, 2022
Do not get complacent. Continue to discuss with legislators, especially House Republicans, until the Session is done. Speaker Grassley stated on WOI's This Week in Iowa, "The bill is obviously alive. If we can achieve consensus in the caucus, we could still take action on that." Review this Call to Action for a summary of the issues, the rationale for our positions and talking points opposing vouchers.
Call to Action - Vouchers in the House - March 10, 2022
This Call to Action concerns the Governor’s Omnibus Voucher bill currently in the House Appropriations Committee HSB 672. The subcommittee met Tuesday, March 8th, and recommended the bill move forward to the full House Appropriations Committee. Contact House Appropriations Committee Members to Oppose HSB 672.
Call to Action - Vouchers in the House - March 6, 2022
First discussion of vouchers in the Iowa House. Please contact members of the House Appropriations Committee before Tuesday at noon and encourage their opposition. See all of the details and talking points in this updated Call to Action. If your Representative is on the Appropriations Committee, your voice is critical to stopping this bill from moving forward.
Call to Action - Vouchers are Not for Iowa
The Governor’s Parent Choice Bill, SSB 3080, has been approved by a subcommittee and is on the Feb. 17 Senate Education Committee agenda, where it must get approval to survive the Feb. 18 funnel deadline. If it is approved by the Committee on Feb. 17, contact all Senators through the weekend and into next week. Learn more in this Call to Action
Call to Action - School Funding/SSA
School funding discussions are on the Capitol agenda. Don't wait. Contact Senators and Representatives and ask for adequate public school funding. This call to action gives you the details, talking points and contacts.
Call to Action - Governor's School Choice Omnibus Bill (Vouchers) - 01/31/2022
Several big policies, including the Governor’s Omnibus School Choice and Parents’ Rights bill (Vouchers), school funding and tax relief, are on the agenda for the Statehouse this week. They are all related. UEN is encouraging the legislature to take a balanced approach, position public schools for success, and consider measured tax relief that does not dampen the State’s future ability to adequately fund schools. We encourage our members to engage in thoughtful discussion and advocacy, respecting our state leaders who are wrestling with these big issues and encouraging advocates to build positive relationships going forward.