In this week's Capitol Update Video, find out the latest about House and Senate one-time funding proposals, information about the 34 schools on the ESSA list whose students would qualify for vouchers, and hear details of the SSA funding discussion.
The House and Senate Committees approved proposals on school funding yesterday, moving them forward for floor consideration. The Senate is expected to debate their bill, SF 269, today (Tuesday, February 9, 2021) and send it over to the House. The 30-day deadline for enacting the school funding bill is looming, so expect these bills to be debated and difference resolved this week.
Update Feb. 5: Diversity plans HF 228 was approved by the House and sent over to the Senate. This indicates the House’s intent to work on provisions of the bill separately. It will take longer but allow advocates to continue connecting with their legislators about concerns. Keep discussing vouchers with House members in particular this week. Use the new information below to continue conversations.
In this UEN Report of the fourth week of the 2021 Legislative Session, find information about: School Funding Proposals for SSA are Introduced; Diversity Plan Bill approved in the House; Update on Governor’s School Choice Omnibus; ELL Tiered Weighting Bill through House Subcommittee; Action on Other Bills this week; Senate and House Education Committee Members; Advocacy Resources and more.